Phone numbers:
In case of emergency, always call 9-1-1
Report a power outage: 1-800-743-5000
Report a downed power line: Call 911 then call PG&E at 1-800-743-5002
Sign up for alerts:
Be prepared:: 4 important steps for evacuation
sign up for Alert Marin
make an Emergency Plan
pack your Go Bag
Additional resources:
Marin Emergency Resources One Pager
PG&E safety and preparedness info
Listos California (multilingual resource)
North Bay Fire Cameras
Disability Disaster Access & Resources
Emergency updates:
*Marin County Emergency Portal*
News sources
KWMR 90.5 (PRS); 89.9 (Bolinas); 92.3 (San Geronimo Valley) and KWMR.org
Road closures and safety:
Marin County Public Information Map
Caltrans QuickMap
Report an Issue to the Department of Public Works (DPW). If it is an emergency, call 911
Report Floods to the Department of Public Works (DPW). If it is an emergency, call 911
Power outages:
PG&E Outage Map
PG&E Currents
Local disaster councils:
Point Reyes Disaster Council (PRDC)
Inverness Disaster Council
Recordings of PRDC events
Wildfire Watch Special: Tragedy in Maui, “A Warning for Marin”
PRS Sheriff: 415-663-1151
Park Service info: 415-464-5100
Park Service Police: 415-464-5170
CHP (non-emergency, general questions about tickets, etc.) Marin Field Office: 415-924-1100
North Marin Water District: 415-897-4133
Kaiser Hospital: 415-444-2000
Marin General Hospital: 415-925-7000