What is a FIREWISE Community?

In 2023  PRE was recognized as Firewise USA Community


Grants to help pay for defensible space expenses

Improving Fire Safety in PRE: An Important Letter to all residents and property owners from the IRA Firewise Committee

March 2021

Dear Neighbors,

As we are all painfully aware, our homes and lives are at great risk from uncontrolled wildfires. In 1995, over 40 homes were destroyed by the Mt. Vision fire. Just months ago, the Woodward fire resulted in a two-week long evacuation warning. Now, with another exceptionally dry winter behind us, we must look forward to more of the same.

As many of us also know, property owners are under a legal obligation to maintain defensible space around the structures on their property. (To encourage and assist you with this work be sure to take advantage of the 2021 IRA and Measure C chipping days. Schedule and details will be available soon.) We are also required, individually, to clear and/or thin vegetation within ten feet of roads that abut our property. Until now, this heavy burden has been partly met through contracted work paid for with a combination of Inverness Ridge Association ("IRA") dues, a tax surcharge (now expired), and often through substantial financial and sweat labor contributions of individual owners.

With the passage of Measure C, a new source of funding for this work has become available. IRA has formed a Firewise Committee and qualified as a Firewise Community. These are pre-requisites to participating in special projects to be financed through Measure C tax revenues. We have consulted with the Marin County Fire Department ("MCFD"), which has been deeply concerned with our situation (you may have noticed increased spot inspections over the past two summers).

With MCFD help we are now putting together a plan, which would improve and expand vegetation buffer zones along key evacuation routes. Overhead clearance issues will also be addressed. Everyone will be informed of our proposals. Where it appears that clearing or thinning should be deeper than the ten feet required by law, MCFD (and IRA) will ask for owner authorization.

We encourage you to assist us in these efforts. This is a rare opportunity to get outside support in meeting long standing obligations that until now we've had to shoulder alone.

Thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation. Do not hesitate to send comments and questions to our Firewise Chair (dmwilson7815@sbcglobal. net).

Tamia Anderson

John Casoudoumecq

Jennifer Howard

Mike Ongerth

David Wilson, ChairTop

banner photo credit: Sherry Stanton