PRE Fire Evacuation Exercise – Friday, December 1

Register Now to Participate and Attend Prep Zoom Call


We are excited to announce that IRA in partnership with the Marin County Fire Department, Sheriff’s Office and Point Reyes Disaster Council will be launching a fire evacuation exercise specifically for our PRE community on Friday December 1 from approximately 10:00 am -11:00 am. This exercise will also involve the California Highway Patrol and Office of Emergency Management. This year’s fire evacuation exercise is a significant commitment of time and resources specifically dedicated to PRE for a custom program that will be the next level up in scope from the exercise we did Spring of last year.

Due to the importance of DVD as our primary evacuation route, Senior Fire Captain Ben Ghisletta intends this December 1 exercise to increase our situational awareness while using DVD during an emergency. This will involve real life road scenarios, including using live fire engines. The goal is to give both residents and emergency responders a realistic experience and training that we will need during an actual emergency. 

PRE residents will have an opportunity to get more information and meet with the senior planning officials on a PRE Fire Evacuation preparatory zoom call Saturday November 11 from 11:00 am -12:00 pm. We will send out a save the date for the November 11 zoom meeting .

We are strongly encouraging residents to take part in the December 1 exercise both to show our support for the important collaboration we have with our emergency responders and to learn from this real life experience.  Our December 1 exercise is the only fire evacuation exercise to be conducted in West Marin in 2023.

Be prepared: 4 important steps for evacuation


Upcoming 2023 Events:

  • December 1 PRE Fire Evacuation Exercise

    How can I stay informed on neighborhood issues? 

    • Neighborhood updates: IRA sends out monthly updates to all PRE residents. To receive these updates and any other important PRE community information, please make sure the IRA Directory Coordinator has your latest contact information by sending it to DIRECTORYPRE@GMAIL.COM . For monthly updates click here.

    • Annual meeting: There is an annual “general meeting” of IRA, for all residents, usually in January.

    • Volunteering: You can also volunteer to take part in the IRA Board or PRERAB.

The Inverness Ridge Association (IRA)

The Inverness Ridge Association is a neighborhood association for the homeowners and residents of the Paradise Ranch Estates subdivision accessed by way of Drakes View Drive. IRA serves as both a service and a social organization. As a service organization, IRA, either directly or through liaison with federal and local government entities, engages in matters directly affecting the safety and well-being of PRE residents.

For more information on joining IRA and dues (Click Here)

  • Chipper Days

    MWPA chipper days announced: the 2023 chipper day schedule has been published by MWPA. You must go to the website to get exact dates and register (first come, first served) at The relevant weeks for us are August 14, September 18 and October 23. Maintaining your defensible space strengthens both your security and that of your neighbors.

Important Emergency Numbers

Police, Fire, Med: 911

PG&E: To report power outage: 800-743-5002

PRS Fire Dispatch: 415-473-6717

PRS Fire Station: 415-663-1018

Kaiser Hospital: 415-444-2000

Marin General Hospital: 415-925-7000

More emergency resources (Click Here)

Residents’ photo gallery

(Email Patty Wimpfheimer ( if you’d like to contribute a photo)