Paradise Ranch Estates Road Advisory Board (PRERAB)
Pileated Woodpecker photo: Ed Stetson
Who owns the roads in Paradise Ranch Estates (PRE)?
The roads in PRE are owned collectively by the property owners. PRE owners are responsible for road maintenance.
What is Marin County’s role in maintaining PRE’s roads?
The Paradise Ranch Estates Permanent Road Division (PREPRD) maintains the roads; the County Department of Public Works (DPW) handles the day-to-day administration.
What is PRERAB?
Paradise Ranch Estates Road Advisory Board (PRERAB) was originally established by the County. It is a volunteer group of PRE residents and owners. PRERAB works with DPW, recommending work necessary to repair and maintain the roads in PRE and the vegetation along them. After DPW authorizes the work, PRERAB supervises the work. When it is completed, PRERAB recommends that the contractor be paid.
What regular road maintenance is done and how is it paid for?
About $70,000 per year of property taxes paid by PRE property owners is allocated to PREPRD each year for road maintenance in PRE. These funds are used to pay for three regular projects:
1. Pothole Filling and Ditch Cleaning: Maintenance of the three miles of unpaved roads.
2. Vegetation Management: regular clearing of roadside grasses for fire safety and cutting trees that endanger or block traffic.
3. Maintenance of the three miles of paved roads: This is expected to be minimal for several years because almost all of Drakes View Drive was paved in 2023.
PREPRD also pays for administrative costs and other road-related items (such as signs and mirrors) as they arise. Remaining funds are retained in a PREPRD reserve to pay for emergency repairs when needed.
How you can help with road maintenance
Here are two ways that you can help save PRERAB funds:
1. Pothole Filling: Most potholes appear during the winter rains and are dealt with by PREPRD in the Spring after the rains subside. If during the winter you find a pothole that is particularly troublesome, you are invited to pick up a bucket of "road base" (gravel) from one of the several piles in PRE and use the material to fill the hole, which PRERAB may not get to until Spring. This will help keep the road passable .
2. Roadside Vegetation: Part of PRERAB's program is to clear roadside vegetation. All residents in PRE are invited to clear roadside vegetation on their own property frontage. By doing so, you can clear it in a way that protects important plants and, at the same time, save some of the cost of the roadside clearing work done by PREPRD.
Can I attend a PRERAB meeting?
Yes! All PRE residents & owners are welcome to attend PRERAB meetings, which are typically held 6 times per year via Zoom. Meetings are usually on Saturday mornings beginning at 9:30 AM. Contact any PRERAB member for information and an invitation to the next meeting.
What is the relationship between PRERAB and the Inverness Ridge Association (IRA)?
Inverness Ridge Association (IRA) is the neighborhood association for PRE. IRA typically deals with emergency preparedness, fire prevention, zoning and community planning. IRA also coordinates with the National Park Service on trail maintenance and wildland-urban interface questions. More information about IRA.
PRERAB works closely with IRA; the two have several members in common.
Whom should I call if I have a road-related question?
In an emergency, call 911.
If you have a non-emergency question about the roads, please call a member of PRERAB who deals with the subject matter of your question.